We are a bold group dedicated to eliminate administrative citations. Proceed to our defense section for information on opposing your administrative citation.
Administrative citations are a perfect example of the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE our founders never would have permitted. Government bureaucrat officials (city councils), and now private city attorney law firms, who hugely profit in enforcement or defense, making law to take away your rights, take your money, and then govern your life with that money permits them to raise their bureaucratic city manager and attorney salaries and waste more of your money! Cities and Counties are now a profit making business – not for the people.
Administrative citations basically steal from home owners and and land owners when no one will permit local agencies to raise taxes to waste more taxpayer money. A great example of this is the $350,000 administrative citation by California City illustrated below…. Humm… we’ll charge this guy for 10 of these, 20 of those, 50 of these AND we won’t even tell him what or where the violations are! It could not be more obvious and more simple – when government code 53069.4 was created your constitutional and civil rights were lost. This law must be abolished. Also see the new $500,000 administrative citation by County of Sacramento.
When you get a citation, you go to court, not to a hearing officer paid by the city or www.dataticket.com who lines the pockets of the cities they service. Read about how this detested company, loved by the cities and counties in California, supplies the hearing officers and then collects the fines too! – For more information www.citationprocessingcenter.com and dataticket history
View our outrageously absurd administrative citation of the week. California City. It will make you feel better about yours!
Join the forum in the defense section now for free. At some point our downloads and forum will not be free. We don’t care who you are. No emails will be sent. Join now and enjoy our 1,000 associated downloads and pleadings for free. You MUST defend and fight your administrative citation. Defend yourself against this evil law. Your constitutional rights have been stripped by the California legislature, city and county.
We attempt to keep up on rulings and law that favors the citizen.
This is a crazy bad law. The legislature has permitted cities to make anything they want, by city ordinance – illegal! Then fine you for it! As much as they want. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in many cases we have seen. This law was created for dog barking, trash cans, cars parked on lawns – it was not created to be used as it is being used.
How ignorant was the legislature that included this phrase in the law? “may by ordinance make any violation of any ordinance enacted by the local agency subject to an administrative fine or penalty” Then they took these disputes out of the court (where due process is required), and placed they in the same city that abuses your rights. A very sad day for the American citizen.
They use this law for everything now… short term rentals, parked cars, ugly cars, trash cans, weeds, yards, signs, licenses, cracked windows, and one million issues that make no difference to anyone – all in an effort to take your money through the use of fines using an administrative citation.
It is more than distressing and troubling when a 22 year old city code officer, drives his shiny new city truck up to your property and cites you for “dead ocotillo plants” when in reality he has no idea that the plant looks dead until it blooms. Some cities are now worse than living in a bad punitive HOA that issues fines for everything (home owners association).
Some cities are labeling everything in public view a public nuisance – when in reality there is no nuisance, let alone a public nuisance and the issue affects no one. Public nuisances are to be abated – not (unlawfully) fined using administrative citations. The goal of a public nuisance is to abate says the law. Public nuisance is an obscure ambiguous term completely being abused. The word is subjective but its origin began 1,000 year ago. H. G. Wood lists and describes nuisances in his legal treatise.
Unfortunately some court in McClatchy misquoted Wood in this legal case not completing in the Opinion the fact that nuisances are huge issues… not a trash can setting on a sidewalk. Nuisances are dams, smokestacks, ammo factories, wind farms, and smelly places like sriracha factories. A public nuisance is not grandma’s ugly rocker setting on your front patio or your home-made beer refrigerator setting next to the pool, or a low front tire on your car in your driveway.
Cities are using Administrative Citations as a new ‘tax’ against you, your home, your possessions, your vehicles and your constitutional freedom!
Now, cities and city attorneys are abusing the California law by fining you, fining your car, fining your land, and fining your home any chance they can.
In reality, there is NO DUE PROCESS in administrative hearings and you have little chance a hearing officer (unlawfully) paid by the city to defeat you. (See Haas v. San Bernardino)
These city hearings are nothing more than a kangaroo court. See GC. 53069.4
You will soon see what makes this site special and valuable to your administrative citation defense. Administrative citations are making their way across the USA. We are developing a site that will give you the tools to contest administrative citations and administrative fines.
A non-profit 501(c)(3) charity to promote the defense of administrative citations is in the works and once city at a time will be change this bad law.
We provide research materials to assist you in defending your administrative citation, administrative hearings, and administrative fines. See our research area now being populated under the defense menu.